Rob Zombie: four videos for new shock rocker’s album songs

The other day, the American musician Rob Zombie has presented a new video clip for his song "Medication For The Melancholy" taken from the recently released album "The Electric Warlock Acid Witch Satanic Orgy Celebration Dispenser". Farther, let’s watch four new videos for the new shock rocker’s album songs.
The first track, presented by the musician, was "Well, Everybody's Fucking In A U.F.O.". The composition, according to Rob Zombie, is one of his favorites and is "sure to be an instant classic". After the premiere on Octane (Ch. 37) radio, a new single was released on the internet with a lyric video created by director Hector Santizo, and after a couple of months the musician launched the ironic video, more like a short movie fantasy on his YouTube-channel. The role of the sexy blonde in this video was played by the musician’s wife Sheri Moon.
In anticipation of the new album release, the musician unveiled a new video work "In The Age Of The Consecrated Vampire We All Get High". Curiously, that the source of Rob Zombie’s inspiration for the new video was Elvis Presley.
"I always loved the way Elvis looked on his comeback special standing in front of a giant 'ELVIS' sign," the singer tells Rolling Stone. "So I figured let's do that, but instead of my name it will say 'GET HIGH.' It's a simple message for everyone".
On April 29, "The Electric Warlock Acid Witch Satanic Orgy Celebration Dispenser" came out. This record, according to Rob Zombie, is "seriously our heaviest most f**ked up musical monster to date". Also, the release is the shortest album in the musician’s discography, with duration just over 31 minutes. Regarding his decision to keep the new album and songs short, shock rocker told Rolling Stone:
"Whenever I go through records that I love and I listen to over and over and over, I go, 'Man, this record's short. That's why I loved it so much.' It's, like, thirty minutes, so I've listened to it nine thousand times, whereas you have other records where you go, 'Yeah, I know that record's great, but it's, like, seventy-five minutes long, or the tracks are, like, six minutes long.' Like, I'd go back and look at BEATLES records and go, like, 'These songs are like a minute-and-a-half long. They don't feel a minute-and-a-half long.' Even when… Later, on 'Magical Mystery Tour', I used to think, 'Oh, well, these songs are much longer.' But they're not really; they're still short songs, but they seem epic. I love long songs, but if you're gonna write a song that long, it's better be 'Freebird' or 'Stairway To Heaven' or something. It'd better be worth my time."
In June, the new clip (with a long introduction as in "Well, Everybody's Fucking In A U.F.O.") for the song "The Life And Times Of A Teenage Rock God" was released. The new video is a "mixture of 'Three Amigos' with a 'Dia De Los Muertos' twist by way of the opening credit sequence of 'Natural Born Killers' hosted by a Satanic Paul Lynde would make the perfect video for 'The Life And Times Of A Teenage Rock God'".
Due to its vibe, Rob Zombie's "Medication For The Melancholy", released on June 23, was compared with Nine Inch Nails’ "March Of The Pigs" (2002) by Loudwire.